Practical .NET Chart Development and Applications

Practical .NET Chart Development and Applications

ISBN: 9780979372544, Publish Date: 2016

Paperback: $69.99

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About this Book

I have received many feedbacks from readers since I published my books Practical C# Charts and Graphics (2007), Practical WPF Graphics Programming (2007), and Practical WPF Charts and Graphics (2009). They kept asking for an updated edition. I realize the fact that the .NET technology has advanced and changed a lot in the past few years, and it is time to incorporate these new developments in .NET Framework into my book. In this new book, I rewrite most of the example programs to reflect .NET advancement and new programming experience I have gained as a quant developer/analyst in last few years. The key new features in this book include

  • Data binding: In Windows Forms applications, data binding is mainly used for populating elements on your application with information. The beauty of data binding is that you can populate the interface while writing little to no code. With data binding in WPF you can take data from almost any property of any objects and bind it to almost any other dependency property of another object. In this book, I will try to use data binding whenever possible to implement code examples.
  • Database and ADO.NET Entity Framework. For the past several years, I have worked with a financial firm as a quant analyst/developer on Wall Street. The most important thing I deal with every day is the market data. Most .NET applications in different fields also need to interact with data stored in databases. Therefore, this book includes a chapter that deals with database and ADO.NET entity Framework. It shows you how to create a simple database and how to use the entity data model to access the database data.
  • MVVM pattern: In traditional UI development, you create a view using window or user control and then write all logical code in the code behind. This approach creates a strong dependency between UI and data logic, which is hard to maintain and test. On the other hand, in MVVM, the glue code is the view model. If property values in the view model change, those new values automatically propagate to the view via data binding and notification. In this book, I will introduce the MVVM pattern and try to use the view model for data binding. In some examples, I may not use the full version of MVVM but write some code-behind code for dynamically creating WPF elements for simplicity’s sake.
  • Powerful Chart Controls: In this new book, I convert 2D line charts, stock charts, and 3D charts into powerful chart controls that you can easily reuse in your .NET applications. In particular, these chart controls are MVVM compatible and allow you to develop .NET applications with 2D and 3D charts based on MVVM pattern.
  • Financial Market: This new book incorporates more topics and examples in financial market, mainly from my own working experience, including interaction with market data, moving average calculation, linear regression, principal component analysis (PCA) for pair trading, retrieving market data from stock charts, and implementing reusable stock chart controls.
  • Real-time Charts: Many fields require real-time chart capability. For example, if you design a stock trading system, you need to develop a real-time data feeder and a chart control to display the real-time stock market data on your screen. This new book provides some examples that show how to create such real-time chart applications using our reusable chart controls.