Testimonials from Readers...Thank You!
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Robin Wernick:
My initial reading of the book (Practital C# and WPF for Financial Markets) shows that the author
is well informed about financial trading issues and how to display the downloaded data effectively and usefully.
I strongly advise others working in this area to buy this book and save themselves months of duplicated programming
effort in building their own equity or stock charting systems.
Saulo J. S. Machado:
It comes to fill a blank space in C# Graphics development - Clear text, easy understanding for the C#
developer. It teaches from basic levels to high, explaining every step taken. If you follow the book from
the start, in the end, you'll have in hands a powerful 3D charting library that you nderstand from the bits.
The best book I've bought this year. This book covers every topic in computer graphics. I'd recommend it
for the computer graphics student and/or enthusiast.
Stanley J. Packer:
This is a great book - I find this book is fantastic. It contains a lot of information not found elsewhere.
The graph control is a great help in developing graph related software. The control is easy to use and provides
great graphs with details for the axis controls, labels etc. The author was very helpful in solving a problem
I had.
Adam Emrick:
Priceless resource if you are developing charts and graphs in your applications - If you learn well by
example, then this book is for you. The book is organized around code examples and well thought out explanations.
The downloadable example library is a great resource, with fully working charts and graphs that you can plug
into the application. Jack Xu is a great author and stands behind his book. I had a few questions and he
was happy to clarify by e-mail. Highly recommended.
A reader from Seattle, US:
Terrific Resource - This is, by far, the best C# graphics book I've read, and in this case, really used.
Working code is the basis of the book, and this code is accompanied by excellent explanations. All the code
in the book is available online. I'm using the book in graphics projects both at work and at school, and
I'm delighted to see well-explained working code rather than rehashes of Help. It is rare to find such a
practical, useful book. Many thanks to Dr. Xu.
J. Cohn:
Your book stands out from other C# books by emphasizing real-world applications. The example code is
excellent and allows me to learn far more about C# graphics programming than most of other C# books that
only provide tutorial materials.
Daniele Picciaia:
I've bought today your ebook 'Practical WPF Graphics Programming' and I would like to make you compliments
for your great works!! It's really what I need for our project and it's written in a perfect way.
Jane Lee:
This is the best book on WPF graphics programming. I find that the example code included in the book
is really useful in my WPF projects.
Eugen from Arizona, US:
(Practical Numerical Methods with C# is) very good indeed, especially Runge-Kutta calculations.
Pedro Caetano from Brasil:
Very good book. A must. A have to in any bookshelf of a developper.
Erick from Indonesia:
good book, verry impressive, clear explanation, very good job Dr. Xu.
Robert Myers:
Information is very useful, and the book provides coverage of topics that is hard to find elsewhere that
is exactly what I was looking for.
Robin T. Wernick:
This book introduces the subject of WPF graphics better than any of the other books that I have read.
It's introduction to the design of 3D graphics shapes and their projection onto a 2D plane is comprehensive
and very clear. Even after reading the previously published books on this subject, I was delightfully surprised
to discover that this book gave me a better understanding of XAML, shape transforms, animation, and placement
of 2D objects on 3D surfaces than I thought possible. If you want to thoroughly master graphics programming,
this is the book for you. Dr. Xu's book has exceeded all my expectations and I'm giving it a five star rating.
Siavash from Iran:
This book is really cool, it covers some aspects of WPF that can't be found anywhere else. Thanks.
Gustavo Ritschard from Australia:
This is the kind of book I've been looking for, chart oriented! I am planning to build my own charting
for my trading platform so I can have all I need.
Patrick O'Connor from Texas:
Excellent book. I have the book on WPF and will be buying the one on Silverlight.
David from Mexico:
It's the most practical book about programming that I read is extremely easy to follow the examples.
Carsten Andreasen from Denmark:
Thanks for this book! I have looked for some time after what C# has to offer when it comes to graphics,
but until your book without luck - i really look forward to try your examples, and start making my own great-looking
graphics projects.
Christian Loepp:
I purchased your most excellent book, Practical WPF Graphics Programming, about a week ago and
it is a wealth of information to me. It is nice to see a book dedicated to explaining the graphics of WPF.
Cezar from Romania:
Best on the market. The only book explaining in detail the code behind. Worth every cent/eurocent. I
already ordered Silverlight Programming and perhaps I will buy C# Charts also. Thanks Doctor!
Patrick from Italy:
I'm just starting to browse the books now but I immediately get the sensation that it completely fulfills
my needs. Thanx.
Sayali S. Waghate:
I have read your Practical WPF charts and Graphics Book. Book has been designed perfectly with details.
Thanks for your book.
Enjen Jaenal from Indonesia:
Very complete practical chart and graph with detailed explanation and samples.
Sargodha from Pakistan:
Really impressed by the examples of charts created in WPF . Thank you sir for such nice explanation!
No other WPF graphics book can reach such heights of awesome char creation.!!!
George form Texas:
Great book. I have all of your books. All great.
Greg Hoag:
Looks like what I want to do. Have been looking for something like this for years.
James from New York:
This book is exactly what I was looking for so long time. Thank you.
Alexander Vershinin:
Thank you very much for your book Practical C# Charts and Graphics! It is well structured and
the explanation to the codes was sufficient even for a process engineer with no IT background like me.
Rodney Hallgren from Philadelphia:
Very good book for many reasons including learning graphics in general.
Thomas Haupt from California:
Best book I've seen on the subject. Thanks for the book and the code.
Kevin from Columbia, SC:
Very handful book! Totally hitting the spot that no other WPF books cover.
Jonas from Switzerland:
Awesome work! especially for people knowing Matlab and C#.
Ron Hickman:
Great Book! I'd love to see an updated version using the latest DotNet 4.5. Please?
Jan Johansson from Sweden:
Excellent book giving a direct route to implementation of many numerical functions.
Ravi Gaddam from India:
As per as i am concerned, it`s amazing and nobody can work with charts and graphs without this book.
Lanrivain from France:
Eager to learn how to write my own charts !! Thanks for the great work and tips.
Alexander from Russia:
It is the most beautyfull book that I have seen about chart creation by Visual C#. It got me the best
opportunities to create different charts in my applications to analyse data. Thank you for this book.
Enis from Bosnia:
Great book. It is hard to find one that deals so close with a thematic that is easy to apply in real-world
Mike Sopko from IL, US:
This book is great. The code examples work and it is both well documented and explained. I will be picking
up your Silverlight book as well!
Gustavo Ritschard from Australia:
Excellent book, very well done the examples at the right level.
Yu-Chang Shai from Malaysia:
I think this book is the most excellent book which I never read before. Thanks for Dr. Xu.
Theodore Kuklinski from MA, US:
Excellent and clear resource! Hard to find information all in one place. Especially appreciated the 3D
graphing info which is hard to find elsewhere. Very practical info that is immediately useful and useable.
Athan from Germany:
This is the best book about .Net graphics ever published !! Great Job !! Thank You, Dr. Xu!
Malcolm Wardlaw from Texas:
Fantastic book - Great book about WPF as well as for graphics.
Rick Crist from UT, US:
Excellent discussion of the subject of charts and graphics in WPF/C#.
Jeff Delezen from Dallas, US:
I've admired your work for years; I remember you making things simple (when I was first learning) that
I thought would require a rewrite of the framework. I admire you very much.
Brett Hunter from London, UK:
I love your book "Practical C# Charts and Graphics". Your example 6_2 was really useful for me and I
customized the code for my own project.
Gautham Ramachandran from Texas, US:
First of all thanks for coming up with this great book! I have the practical C# charts book and the download
code which was amazing... I am sure there was a lot of work behind it...
Akira Masuda from Osaka, Japan:
Great explanation, wonderful samples! I love this!
Jonathan Seidel from NJ, US:
I have been developing an IMS for my company an this book (as well as Practical Numerical Methods with
C#) has been great in helping me with data extraction and visualtion tools.
Thank you for your nice work on publishing thus nice books on C#. I like your books on C# and I bought
2 of them.
Micheal from Calgary Canada:
Waiting for this book for years.
Anthony Ricci:
Excellent book for professionals./p>
Jane from India:
This is an exhaustive charting book I have ever seen on full microsoft products.
Malcolm P Wardlaw, San Antonio, TX, US :
Fantastic! Just what I had been looking for. Years ago I wrote the petroleum engineering production
decline curve analysis graphics module for the company I own. I wrote it in VB2 and upgraded to VB6.
Now I want to upgrade to a modern platform (VB.Net, C#.Net, Windows Forms, WPF, ASP) . This book answers
all my questions! Thank you!
NEACSU SORIN, from Romania:
This book help my to develop professional graphics for my applications.
Gideon from California:
Great book, exactly what I was looking for. Couldn't find any other book that provided the depth
of understanding into WPF graphics as this book does.
Georgios from London, UK:
Excellent book. Keep the good work. I would love to see more books on numerical methods written by
Lynn Stevenson:
I bought your book "Practical WPF Graphics Programming" and I just want to tell you it is wonderful!
It is so nice to find a book that actually explains things properly and that provides such a comprehensive
overview of this subject. I am learning so much. Thank you for a wonderful book.
David Tighe from Iceland:
Very interested in numerical methods - havent paid any attention to them since college - but looking
forward to using them for curve fitting etc ... Thanks.
Marcos Penna from Brazil:
My purchased copy has just arrived but from what I've already been able to assess, it seems pretty
comprehensive and thourough dealing with the graphical aspects of WPF, with solid examples and diving
deep into very dense and complex subjects, which other titles usually just scratch the surface.
Marius from South Africa:
Really excited that the book is available as an eBook and looking forward to reading it!! Used a
third party component for stock charts and can't wait to work through the book examples. Thanks for a
great book and sharing your knowledge :-)
Eladio Vasquez:
This books can help to do better numerical programs.
Morris from Israel:
I would be very wonderful when I'm begin read your "Practical Numerical Method". Your explanation
and description int the book is very nice and simpe for reading and understanding. At the moment I'm
student for Math Science in Open University. If I'm write with some mistakes I'm very sorry for my gramatical
writing English. Thank you for the book.
Mike from Santa Clara, CA:
A rare and well-written book found on this subject. It goes beyond graphics programming only, with
author's solid background in geometry and math. A new edition with coverage including the latest .NET
4.0/WPF can be very welcome by audience.
Ernie Piper from MD, US:
The book is directly applicable to applications I am designing with 3D RF Antenna images.
I love your book "Practical C# - Charts and Graphics", thanks for orienting it towards engineering
graphics (no other book does this).
Anthony from FL, US:
Fantastic book, has been a great help! Thanks!
Marcio Muniz from Australia:
I just got the book today and while browsing the chapter 7 got my attention with the graphs for the
stock market. I believe this book will be a very good aquisition for my personal library and for improvment
of my carrer. Thanks for the time you put in writting it, Dr. Xu (Just as a curiosity we have something
in common. I have a master in Experimental Physics (Lasers).
Muhammad from Syria:
It is good book . i like it so much thank you DR. Xu u are amazing
My name is Gabriel. I am a mid-level C# developer. I have to first comment on how exceptional the
book is. It is the best follow along coding book I have ever used that actually works. I take my hat
off to you, please continue the good work. I am working on creating a charting application based on the
code samples from the book.
Gabriel Chalumeau from NY, US:
So far, great book and looking forward to using the examples in an upcoming application.
S.Xiao from UK:
Really good book for the beginner on the concept of the graphics design and important coordinate
Sarun from Kawasaki, Japan:
I've been trying to find the book that explains 3D in detail with example. Now I've found. Thank
you very much.
Georgios Paraskevas from London, UK:
Brilliant book. Keep writing similar books in numerical methods. Extremely valualble.
Daniel K. O'Brien:
Pratical C# Charts and Graphics is an excellent book for those who are interested in learning and
using graphic plotting and charting skills. The various problems (examples)introduced require a fair
level of mental dexterity and previously learned C# programming skills. Some examples require a good
understanding of Trigonometry and Geometry. I would recommend that it be used both as a learning and
reference tool.
Hwang Tsong Song:
This is a book very suitable for a c# beginner and it provides a set of code that can be applied
in real life. I really learned a lot from it.
J. Henkel:
This is a great resource. Like other have said, it fills in a blank space in NOT JUST the C# world,
but programming in general. 3-D Charts are usually just sold by those who know how to make them - very
little exists for those who want to know the best algorithms for making them. This book (and accompanying
code) is a fairly comprehensive resource on efficient algorithms in that area. The accompanying code
(Chart3d / 2d lib) is very nice. There are a few dohs! in the Chart3Dlib that I've noticed, that are
easily fixed (modifying the original data while performing graphing computations). Comments are present,
and the code is well written and understandable.
More to come...