WGPU by Examples

WGPU by Examples

ISBN: 9798864220252, Publish Date: 2023

Paperback: $69.99

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eBook: $49.99

About this Book

Are you ready to take your graphics in Rust to the next level? Look no further than "WGPU by Examples". This comprehensive book equips you with all the tools you need to create stunning 3D graphics in your native and web applications with the help of GPU acceleration.

With this book, you will discover how to design an array of 3D graphics, from basic shapes like cubes, spheres, cylinders, and tori to intricate 3D graphics like wireframes, simple and parametric surfaces, super-shapes, implicit surfaces, procedural terrains, volcanoes, Minecraft, voxel terrains, text rendering, and complex function visualization, as well as particle systems made using compute shaders.

The author has simplified the learning process by breaking down the concepts of wgpu, the cutting-edge graphics API for the Web and native devices, so even those with minimal experience can grasp the fundamentals of advanced graphics development.

This book includes:

  • wgpu basics, WGSL shaders, and rendering pipeline.
  • Create basic 3D shapes like cube, sphere, cylinder, torus, etc.
  • Design intricate 3D surface graphics such as wireframes, simple and parametric 3D surfaces, and procedural terrains.
  • Simulate light and shadow using different models, including point, directional, and spot light.
  • Implement physical-based rendering lighting methods to create realistic graphics.
  • Apply colormap and texture techniques to 3D surfaces.
  • Generate 3D surfaces and super shapes using compute shaders for improving performance.
  • Create procedural terrains on both the CPU and GPU.
  • Construct marching cubes for generating 3D implicit surfaces, metaballs, and voxel terrains.
  • Visualize complex functions using 3D plots and domain coloring.
  • Create particle systems for 3D graphics applications.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is the ideal resource to help you design a wide range of graphics applications in WGPU. So, are you ready to explore next-generation RUST graphics and compute API? Start your journey with "WGPU by Examples" today!